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Friends of Dino Diane

Service Organizations Uniting

How You Can Become a Friend of Dino Diane's Adventure Club

Thank You for Considering to Unite with Our Cause

Let’s all work together to help our young people grow in confidence, self-reliance, and well-being. We invite your service organization to cross promote with us.  Just imagine, your organization receives $2.00 EVERY MONTH or 25% of the annual fee from each of your members who join the Dino Diane’s Adventure Club. 
We’ll post your organization on our website so that our members can learn more about you and your cause!

Our Young People's Mental Health Crisis is Real and It's Growing!

We need your help to save our children. Please join our mission. Learn More…

Globally, 20% of our kids struggle with anxiety while 25% suffer from depression. Some emergency rooms have seen a 50% increase in suicidal adolescents, especially, among girls 12 – 17 years of age.

And these numbers keep going up!

The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that our young people could improve their mental health by spending time outdoors. Nature offers immeasurable healing powers!

Our mission is to inspire our young people to come out of their electronic caves, strap on their hiking boots, flip-flops or sneakers, and discover a natural world much bigger than their screens, becoming courageous adventurers, growing in confidence, self-reliance, and resilience. We need to teach our young people how to use screens responsibly and create a healthy balance between screen time, family time, and time in nature.

Join Dino Diane and her clan of adventurers as they seek the ancient secrets of the Aszanii—more valuable than gold—and add more fun, friends, and excitement into their lives

D. J. Kristoff, award-winning educator, debuts the Dino Diane’s Adventures Club to encourage young people to get outdoors and become more adventurous in nature!